by Phedre

The shifting song of morning doves gliding through the air, my heart flies with their song without thought of despair.
I trace my world with the brilliance of motion to transcend pain and suffering, singing in my heart the thoughts of gratitude allowed it’s reign.
Solid in it’s peace, the sweet fragrance of dawn, smelling of wind drawn slowly across the harp of the earth to surpass sound alone, the music of the world tickling the palate of each soul resonating with mine, and I become one with all
To trace the omniscient sound, wind blazing through deserts, and touching Earth’s varying skins, to know the heart of each as we pass swiftly yet tasting the flavor that they each one add to we.
Whether colored with darkness or the promise of light, they like spice add flavor to the world.
Making this one place alone, a joyous celebration of living as it cascades over flesh and raw earth.
To chisel clean from the monuments of sorrowa blessing of love with each passing day.
Grateful I lift my eyes from the ground and watch the wind surround and lift the souls of birds and man to the skies, never to fall forsaken from this sweet embrace.
We drift like leaves free from the bounds of our creation to fly; never landing as we stood once stilled by grace.
The gratitude of this fall lifting us higher than we ever knew possible tracing the rays of stars with the rings of our souls.
Aged with the potential of all we have been, and who yet we are to become.